Saturday, July 7, 2012

Environmental & Social behavior of Pigeon

The domestic pigeon can be raised equally well in temperate and tropical zone. Indeed, these adaptable species can be kept anywhere that wild pigeons exist, including arid and humid regions. Cold climate do not favor for squab production and hot climate promote vermin and disease.
Wild pigeon often nest on cliff sides. Domestic pigeon prefer to nest around buildings, in nooks and shelves and under the eaves that is in “ Pigeon hole”.
In domestic varieties, the pair bond often lasts until severe illness or, death. Both sexes take nearly equal part in nest building, incubations, and caring for the young. Typically there are 2 eggs in a clutch. Each clutches a year is not uncommon for the breeding pair.
Unlike most birds, pigeon drink by inserting their beaks into water and sucking of a continuous draft.

1 comment:

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